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TRC now has a Twitter account, @TheRallyeClub

The purpose of TRC's Twitter account is for rallye masters to broadcast critical information to rallyists during a rallye. Rallyists can enable mobile notifications for TRC's account and get updates. Others could be told the same information at a checkpoint or when calling the rallye master. We expect this will reduce calls to rallye masters but not give those notified an "unfair" advantage over others.

How many tweets?

We expect that this account will be used lightly:

  • A pre-rallye message will allow rallyists to verify they are ready to receive mobile tweets from @TheRallyeClub.

Examples of messages that might be sent via twitter during a rallye:

  • A course marker was down on Harris Ave, but is now back up.
  • The finish will be extended to 9:20 and protests to 9:30.

To Create a Twitter account

1. Point your web browser at

2. Fill in the “New to Twitter? Join Today” form.

· Full Name (ex: Nick Stefanisko)

· Email (Email address must be valid and yours.)

· Password (ex: peli00kus)

3. Write your password down if it is not something you normally use, twitter does not make you confirm your password or email address. 4. Click the “Sign up” button

5. Twitter will validate your entries and if there are any problems, you will be required to make corrections

6. Click the “Create my account” button

7. The next step involves publishing your interests; it is not necessary to share this information

8. Click the “Next Step” button

9. The next step involves searching for friends by importing email addresses. It is not necessary to do this now or even at all

10. Click the “Next Step” button

11. You may import email address from Hotmail, gmail, AOL, etc. It is not necessary to do this now or even at all.

12. Click “Skip import”

13. Your account is now created, but it is not yet validated. You will receive an email on the account you specified back in step 2. 14. In your email you will have a message from Twitter with a link. Click the link.

Lock your account down

1. In the top right corner of the web page you will see your “username” with a downward facing arrow.

a. Click the arrow

b. Select “Settings”

2. On the settings screen you can change your username, email address, language, time zone. You can also control your security. VERY IMPORTANT: Check the “Tweet Privacy Proctect my tweets” check box. This will require you to confirm followers before they are allowed to actually follow you. If you do not check this box, anyone who knows your email address or username can follow you, it’s a bit creepy.

3. Click the “Save” button, you will be asked to confirm with your password

Customize your account

1. On the Profile page you will find a link to “Edit your profile”. In here you can, if you want, upload a profile picture, your home location, a bio, etc. It is all optional.

Follow TRC

1. If you are not on the “Home” screen, click on the “Home” tab in the page’s menu bar

2. In the “What’s happening?” box type:

· FOLLOW therallyeclub

3. Make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces

4. If you get “Sorry! We did something wrong. Try sending your Tweet again in a minute.” Don’t worry about it. There’s something wrong with the TRC account.

Enable Mobile Notifications

Don't forget to enable mobile tweets from the rallye club or it really won't help you the night of the rallye. To do this:

  1. Login into your Twitter account.
  2. Click on @TheRallyeClub from your list of those you are following.
  3. Near the top near the Green "Following" button there are 2 small circle buttons. One has a cell phone on it. Click it and make it green. You will now receive texts when ever we post something to the Twitter account. From this point forward, this account can receive important updates on rallye night.