TRC Gimmick Rallye Protest Policy

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Protest Philosophy

Win on Route, not by Protest

Ultimately, rallyists should win based on what they did during the rallye. Yes, protests will affect the results, but favor decisions that produce results based on what rallyists did during the rallye, over decisions that produce results based on protests.

Be Fair to Everyone

Try to make protest decisions that are fair to the protesting rallyists, to other rallyists in their class, and to everyone else who ran the rallye.

Don't Encourage Trivial Protests

Grant protests to individual cars only when the situation is truly unique to that car. Granting protests to multiple cars, but only to those cars that filed protests, actually encourages rallyists to file protests for every gimmick they miss. Otherwise they could miss out on getting points for someone else's granted protest.

Protest Guidelines

Understand the Protest

Each member of the protest committee should understand each protest before voting on it. Each protest should be read by each member, or be read aloud (in unabridged form) so each member can hear it.

Give the protesting rallyist the benefit of the doubt. Look up the RIs/CMs/gimmicks referenced by the protest, and feel free to ask for clarification if necessary.