Sample General Instructions (CM)
These are sample General Instructions, intended to help new rallyemasters write coursemarker gimmick rallyes. These sample GIs are not in any way "standard" or "official", and can be modified in any way you desire. These sample GIs are deliberately plain, to avoid trapping new rallyemasters (and those who run their rallyes) with unintentional gimmicks hidden in the GIs. At the very least, you should add the name and date of your rallye, and make sure that page breaks occur in reasonable places in your final printed version.
See also:
SI: Welcome to this evening's coursemarker gimmick rallye. Please fill out the top section of your score sheet before you leave the start. Please take your time and carefully read everything given to you. There are no gimmicks on capitalization anywhere. There are no gimmicks on spelling, spacing, punctuation, or pluralization in the GIs. End SI.
[Explanatory comments (like this one) should not be considered part of the sample General Instructions.
Adjust the "no gimmicks on" lists to match your rallye. If there are any gimmicks in the "welcome" paragraph, or in the things this paragraph tells the rallyists to do (e.g., "fill out the top section..."), then it cannot be an SI.]
Undefined terms take on their standard English meanings.
[This section varies widely from rallye to rallye, but see "Typical" Definitions in Gimmick Rallyes for examples and discussion about alternatives.]
Instructions & Order of Precedence
If two or more instructions can be done at the same time, do the one of higher precedence first.
[You may also need to tell them what to do when two or more instructions of the same precedence can be done at the same time.]
The order of precedence is as follows, from highest to lowest:
- California Vehicle Code (CVC): Always obey the law and drive safely. [Modify appropriately if you aren't in California.]
- Rallye Personnel: Do what they ask of you.
- Special Instructions (SIs): There are no gimmicks in SIs. Just do them in the obvious manner. SIs on the Supp/SI page come into effect as described under Coursemarkers (CMs), and go out of effect when executed. SIs on the RI page come into effect and go out of effect as described in the SI itself. Other SIs are in effect now.
- General Instructions (GIs): The ground rules of the rallye. You are reading them now. The instructions in the Story are considered GIs.
- Bonus: Turn on any street whose name appears in tonight's Story. [Note that this gives the Story a double meaning. The Story can include instructions, and the actual words and names in the Story (including those in the instructions in the story) are also part of the Bonus. But this is just one type of Bonus instruction that you can use.]
- Notes: Lettered instructions on the RI page. Notes come into effect upon the completion of the immediately preceding RI, and are deleted upon execution.
- Supplemental Instructions (Supps): Numbered instructions labeled "Supp" on the Supp/SI page. Supps come into effect as described under Coursemarkers (CMs), and go out of effect when executed.
- Route Instructions (RIs): Numbered instructions on the RI page. Unless instructed otherwise, RIs come into effect upon the completion of the numerically preceding RI and go out of effect when executed. [Note that nothing brings the first RI into effect. You can use this as a gimmick, or you can include "CRI 1" in the initial traverse (SI) at the top of the RI page.]
- L at otherwise uninstructed Ts.
- Go as straight as possible.
- Reverse your direction of travel.
All roads used will be paved and public. Driveways and parking lots exist only at the start and at the finish. When instructed to U, make the U at a safe and legal place but consider it made where instructed. Executing an instruction using the word "ONTO" puts you onto the road by name. When onto, remain on the road by that name until instructed NLORBN, even if you must U to do so.
[This variation of the "onto rule" is quite strict, and is therefore relatively safe. Less strict variations (e.g., "until instructed NLORBN or until you ..." or "but do not U to do so") can be interesting, but be sure to precheck them carefully. See also Onto Gimmicks.]
Only government-erected and rallye-erected signs are valid for this rallye. Do not look behind you to see any signs. Do not split words. Instructions using the word "AT" can be executed only where everything that follows "AT" in the instruction can be found on a sign. Additional words, numbers, or symbols do not invalidate a sign. The words North, South, East, West, Street, Avenue, Drive, Road, and their abbreviations do not exist on signs.
[One common variation of the "at rule" is to specify exceptions. Typically, defined terms (either all defined terms, or only one or two specific terms, such as T, STOP, or SIGNAL) will refer to the objects as defined. Feel free to modify the list of words and abbreviations that do not exist on signs. Beware of the word "END". If you don't state that it is not on signs, it may well be on signs in place of a block number; this can matter (e.g., if it is also in the story). And many rallyes also specify that block numbers and arrows do not exist on signs.]
Coursemarkers (CMs)
CMs are rallye-erected signs with one or two letters, a number, and reflective tape, like the valid CM at the start. When you encounter a valid CM, stop and record the CM by writing its number next to the corresponding letter(s) on your score sheet. After you record a CM, take out of effect any uncompleted Supp parts that may be in effect from a previous CM, then bring into effect the Supp or SI on the Supp/SI page that corresponds to the number of the CM you just recorded. Record each CM no more than once. Supp parts are numbered, and are to be executed in ascending numerical order.
Checkpoints (CPs)
CPs will be identified by a rallye-erected sign similar to the "√·" sign at the start. When you encounter a checkpoint, enter it by handing your score sheet to the CP personnel and saying "rubber baby buggy bumpers" three times. CP personnel may be crossing off spaces on your score sheet, so make sure your score sheet is current before entering each CP.
[Change the CP saying to fit your rallye's theme. It is a good idea to specify the location(s) and hours of operation for any on-course CPs. You can either describe their location (by street or landmark), or you can specify which RIs the rallyists will be working on when they encounter them.]
Tiebreakers (TBs)
Before turning in your score sheet, answer the tiebreakers at the bottom of your score sheet.
Once upon a time,...
[Weave the names of several streets into a story that fits the theme of your rallye.]
During the rallye, you can reach the rallyemaster via the cell phone number listed on the score sheet. At 6:00 PM there will be a short rallye school, during which we will give away a couple of gimmicks. The finish is located at [the restaurant's name, address, and phone number]. The finish opens at 9:00 PM and closes at 10:00 PM. Late score sheets may be penalized 5 points per minute late up to 10:15 PM, at which time they may no longer be accepted. If you disagree with the gimmicks as explained in the critique, you can file a protest. All protests must be turned in by 10:15 PM. Each protest must be printed on a separate protest form, and must include your car number, your class,the problem, and the desired resolution. Honored protests may affect an individual car, an entire class, or the entire rallye.
[Adjust the details as necessary, and feel free to hide an instruction somewhere in the middle of this paragraph.]
Good luck, and enjoy the rallye!
— [Your Name], Rallyemaster