Comments for Gimmick Guide Revision
Dean is currently updating TRC's Coursemarker Gimmick Rallye Guide for our February, 2010, membership rallye (our 30th year!).
This is a page for suggestions of things to improve (add, remove, clarify, etc.).
TRC Club Info
The back page of the CM Guide has info on the club that is easily outdated:
- membership fees
- starting location
- start, class, and finish times
- business meeting day, time, and location
Dean is correcting most of this (and removing the rest). Readers should use the web page to get current information. Access to the World Wide Web is much more ubiquitous than it was 5 years or more ago, when the Guide was last updated.
Replace "School Rallye"?
Dean would like to replace the "School Rallye" near the end of the Rallye Guide, primarily because the expert gimmick where you are ONTO but not physically on the road with that name is more difficult to grasp than it needs to be. The concept of an RI being completed twice -- once by execution and once by deletion -- is important, but need not be handcuffed to this odd ONTO form. I'm looking into dropping TRC's current "School Rallye" instead. If it is easy, I will try to do this for February's rallye.
Include A/B Rallye Info?
Dean would eventually like to add A/B rallye information and make the guide a Gimmick Rallye Guide rather than specific to coursemarker rallyes, but does not expect to attempt this prior to February's rallye.