Gimmick Rallye Timeline
Revision as of 12:54, 6 July 2010 by Dean (talk | contribs) (Added mention of Shoreline Amphitheater in →6 months prior)
This checklist was designed to help the first time rallyemaster.
Before the Rallye
9 months prior
- Sign up to write a rallye
- Decide the type of rallye you will write, theme of rallye & if it will be a rethrow, a partial rethrow or a new rallye from scratch
- Join the TRC-RM mailing list
- Choose a mentor
- Start writing the rallye
6 months prior
- Consult with mentor. Discuss concepts, basic gimmick ideas, flyer, route, etc.
- Try to assure no major (traffic-causing) events will occur along the route. Check that Shoreline Amphitheater will not have an event on rallye night if you are going anywhere near it.
- Continue writing rallye.
4 months prior
- Prepare flyer including your E-mail address and send it to webmaster.
- Send mail to Steve Watt <> asking him to put you on the mailing list. You may have more than one person get this mail, but probably want to agree who will answer, so questioners don't get duplicate or conflicting responses.
- Finish writing rallye
- Either start attending monthly General meetings to give updates or email updates to TRC's Secretary at least 4 days before meeting.
3 months prior
- Arrange for precheckers.
- Get first prechecks done; make corrections to rallye as needed.
2 months prior
- Order Par Plaques & Awards (optional).
- Arrange checkpoint workers, if needed.
2 weeks prior
- Prepare checkpoint crew instructions.
- Obtain equipment (marker parkers).
- Arrange for printing
- Choose scoring method (by hand or by computer)
- Contact Finish location
1 week prior
- Conduct final pre-check.
- Confirm workers.
- Email preliminary GIs to the webmaster so they can be posted on the web site.
3 days prior
- Send your materials for printing if you're having TRC handle it.
- If you're printing, print 20 extra registration packets (without score sheets) to sell for back seat passengers.
1 day prior
- Notify the police of rallye cities (or county sheriff) that the rallye is tomorrow.
- Send email with electronic copies of the rallye materials.
- If the registration workers are competing in the rallye, then they will need PDF copies. This allows them to spend two hours working on the rallye before registration opens, to make up for the two hours they lose working registration. You may want to mention when you expect the course markers (if used) should be erected for the first portion of the course and what rallye portion(s) should not be attempted until the checkpoint is staffed.
- If Michelle McGrew <> is competing in the rallye, then she will need plain text copies.
The Day of the Rallye
Before the start opens
- First thing (or the night before), E-mail a registration packet to the one staffing your registration table, so he/she/they can start the rallye before the start opens, to compensate for leaving the start after the start closes. Tell him/her/them if a CP will change things, if necessary. Do not send the critique or CP worker instructions, as that would be an unfair competition advantage.
- Post signs, if used.
- Call Finish location and remind them
At the start
- Arrive at Start 15 minutes before opening.
- Check with Registrar. Let them know any special instructions for giving out packets
- Instruct workers (checkpoint, Start).
- Start answering rallyists' questions.
- Do Q&A session and rallye school
After the start closes
- Remove all posted material at the start
- Drive route: check posted signs & check in with CP workers
At the finish
- Arrive at the Finish at least 15 minutes prior to Finish opening
- Display flyers, evaluation sheets, and protest forms.
- Setup scoreboard (whiteboard).
- Answer rallyists' questions.
- Begin scoring.
- Update scoreboard.
After finish closes
- Start marking score sheets as late.
- Start reading protests.
- At last call, stop accepting score sheets.
- Re-score as necessary.
- Post decided protests.
- Announce awards.
- Thank workers and rallyists.
- Announce next month's rallye.
- Someone should issue the RM a free rallye coupon as a thank-you gift.
- Clean-up.
- Give the Treasurer any unclaimed awards.
- Give the Treasurer the flier rack.
- Give the whiteboard, stand, and markers to TRC's Equipment Chair.
- Give the checkpoint signs (and any other TRC signs used) to TRC's Equipment Chair.
After Rallye
Within 2 weeks
- Send results to rallyists and webmaster
- Give score sheets to TRC's Treasurer
- Remove all rallye signs, if used
- Return TRC rallye equipment (checkpoint signs, scoreboards, marker parker) to the Equipment Chair, typically at the next business meeting.
- Seek reimbursement from TRC's Treasurer
- Provide a list of what you want reimbursed (typically by E-mail, in advance of the next business meeting)
- Provide receipts to the treasurer (scan and E-mail or bring to business meeting)
- Prepare a brief report on what went well and poorly, interesting protests, etc.
- Then E-mail the report to the business mailing list
- or give the report in person at the next business meeting.
- Start planning next rallye.