Talk:Main Page
Established Conventions
- Document titles should be in Title Case (cap/lc).
What copyright/license are we using for this wiki's content?
--Darin McGrew 16:31, 31 July 2007 (PDT)
Ah, a tricky question. My first gut reaction was one of the Creative Commons licenses (perhaps attributed + no commercial), but I'm leaning towards (gasp!) a more conventional restricted-use copyright. My thinking is that we may want to control the content somewhat more aggressively (perhaps after a recent aggressive email encounter).
On the other hand, having the content under a looser copyright could allow more spread of the concepts and encourage the sport. Perhaps a FreeBSD doc license would accomplish the same.
And we probably ought to be having this discussion in [[Talk:Project:Copyrights]], but it's here, now.
--Steve 20:44, 31 July 2007 (PDT)
I'll add it to the agenda for the next business meeting.
--Darin McGrew 16:35, 2 August 2007 (PDT)
Migrating Content to the Wiki
How much of the content of our main site should we migrate to the wiki?
I can see most of the site migrating. Rallyemasters could update the info about their own rallyes on the calendar and results pages. Others could contribute to the "What's a Rallye?" page. Everyone could contribute to the resources page (and the new Rallyemaster Handbook could be added). And so on.
Any other thoughts?
--Darin McGrew 16:35, 2 August 2007 (PDT)